Friday, April 17, 2009

Lamp Put Aside

I got off track, simply put, because I put the Lamp aside.

It is "Thy Word which is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path."

But I simply put it aside... why would I? I ask myself...

One day due to hurry, another day because of chaos, another because of this, another because of that.

Duly, my sight grew dim... it's as if darkness has enveloped me.

But God knows this.

"Why was this man born blind? did he or his parents sin? Neither.
...this happended so that the work of God would be shown in his life."

I would not dare compare my situation with that of being born blind,
As my "blindness" has come by my own hand, or lack thereof.

I can say, however, the work of God will be shown in my life.
I know He has a plan for me, one that is to prosper me, not harm me.
Plans to give me hope and a future.

I have physical eyes with which to see things around me,
But the eyes to the things of the spirit are dimmed,

Oh to see again.

He who is mighty can restore that sight.
His desire is for me to glorify Him.

Oh, I hear Him passing by...

Jesus, I rise with a cry, have mercy on me...
"What do you want Me to do for you?" He says...
Lord, I want to see again.
As to the blind man, to me, He mercifully replies "Receive your sight, your faith has healed you."

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