Saturday, May 2, 2015

Pray, Pray, Pray

Sitting in my yard this afternoon listening to a whippoorwill and the gentle sound of water flowing into my neighbor's pool; I watch flames from a small fire that is burning. I'm burning items that have been gathered, collected, and stored for far too many years... to the point of their decay. Items that very well may have retained their value had they been properly maintained.

Memories surface... "if 'he'd cared more..." I begin to intertwine myself with "his" lack of care for those things improperly maintained. I lump myself into the same category of "things" uncared for.  Stinging memories. I sit and watch the fire.

What to do?  I know I cannot take back, redo, undo, or change what's been done or who did the doing. I'm learning (again) I can only submit myself to the One in Whom all things consists.

I am reminded of my sister's words to me -- she said they were 'my words to her many years ago,' words I've long forgotten - "Pray, pray, pray. No matter what the situation sis, you always told me to pray, pray, pray."

Sitting in my yard under a large shade tree, the fire I'd watched earlier is now smoldering, I hear birds chirping, I see a little yellow butterfly fluttering about checking out all of the flowers to see which has the best nectar.   Ah, the wonders of God. I'm reminded about the Lord's words "Pray for those who use you and hurt you*" [*paraphrased]. No amount of anger, worry, pain, venomous words spoken can change those who inflict pain, nor remove the pain that was inflicted.

Jesus knew this well - that is why He told us to pray for others. I am reassured inside my heart and mind: He knows this is where true peace and power reside: our prayers float to heaven, they reach the throne of God and to His very heart, and the Supreme One will have His perfect will.

Thoughts of the importance of forgiveness surface in my mind. Memories which brought stinging pain a few minutes ago, lessen, the heart softens, much like many of the items that are burning in the fire will become... soft ash.

A pair of doves just flew into my yard and landed into a shady area of grass that is beyond the edge of where the fire is smoldering. How timely that a pair of doves appear: His peace, His power.

What to do? Pray, pray, pray.

Oh, Lord should I speak, may my words to my friends, family, neighbors, and strangers be kind words, words filled with compassion, the same compassion I was shown by God when my pain seemed unbearable.

The Lord knows of our afflictions, He hears our cries, He knows our sorrows (Exo 3:7). Jesus is acquainted with grief. In fact, He has borne our griefs and carried our sorrows. He was oppressed, and He was afflicted for us. By His suffering we are healed (Isa 53:3-5).

Pray, pray, pray... to the Great One. For it is God alone who grants peace, has all power, and is the great Healer (of our own hearts and hearts of others who cause pain)