Tuesday, January 27, 2009

What are You Waiting For? Get Up and Walk!

For too many years I have been…
sitting, laying, waiting;

Exactly for what, I know not.
Thinking maybe tomorrow my dream will arrive.
Feeling, if I had only hoped, trusted, believed more. Had more faith.
Maybe if I had behaved better, been different, smiled more, did more.
I told myself, things then might have been better.
So much disappointment, frustration, and strife.

Looking back I'm sure it was me having hope in hope alone...
Nothing really to do with...
  • "Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done"
  • “To gain your life you must lose it.”
  • “To live is Christ, to die is gain.”
  • "The just shall live by faith."
  • “Count it all joy my brethren when you fall into divers temptations.”
  • “In acceptance lieth joy.”

No, I lived with my mind and heart filled with I hope...

  • this will get better...,
  • tomorrow will bring change...,
  • I hope things will be different.
  • Surely they will, they must.

Yet, always awaking to a similar day.

Then one morning, in my way,
came the story about a man who lay
By the sheep market pool ("Bethesda" that is, in the Hebrew tongue).

There he lay, waiting for an angel to stir the waters,
so he could make his way into the pool….
The first one in the pool, you see, would be made whole,
healed from all their infirmaties.

The man there laid for thirty-eight long years,
...Waiting, hoping, believing that things would be better, in time.
Laying there hoping someone would put him in,
Thinking, tomorrow will bring a change, or
Things will be different, surely they will, they must. . .

The Great Physician, the Healer of all mankind
Stopped before the man one day,
He simply asked the man who laid,
the hoping man, the desirous man…

Do you want to be made whole? "Yes," the man said.
Now, I do not know if it was a quiet, “Yes, only if I could,”
or a loud “YES! man, of course. Can't you see I hurt!"

But none the less, excuses were made... looking up he said,
“no one cares;” “no one will help me, they just go about their business as if I were not even here;” “they really don’t care, how could they care?;” “if they did, they would help me get in those waters."

Nothing said by the man phased the Healer...
He just looked him square in the eye and said to the man... GET UP and WALK...

Immediately, the man rose... and walk he did.
and after laying by the waters all those years he found
the waters had nothing to do with his becoming whole and free from his
pain, his sickness, his despair.
It was because of him doing "nothing" that put him in this way.... not looking to the One who knew him before he was formed in his mother's womb and had filled his lungs with the very breath of life.
Nope, it was just him having hope in hope that someday something would change.

My time for waiting,
...Thinking tomorrow my dream might arrive.
...Hoping someone would come along and make everything alright.
...Feeling, if I had only hoped, trusted, believed, more.
...Maybe if I had behaved better, been different, smiled more, did more,
has come to an end.

I have now have heard the words... GET UP, WALK...

So doing the next thing is what I plan to do.
I will depend on "Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done." For without Him, I know I can do nothing.

I will take one step today, my hand in His; forget yesterday; and let tomorrow stay in its place.

My hope and trust will be in God alone. I will walk by faith, and know that my situation is under His watchful providential power and care. I cannot walk by sight of what I currently see, the situations before me.

My dreams are all filled with Him… His imminent return, His power at work in me, and His protection, guidance, and deliverance.

In Him alone do I put my hope and trust.

The disappointment, frustration, and strife I have faced,
Now dissipates with knowing I make my plans, yet God directs my steps.
It is Him alone who will keep my pace and help me face
…all that comes my way.

But the best part is I will be walking along in my journey and not stuck waiting, lying beside the sheep market pool... disappointed, hopeless, frustrated, and filled with pain and strife.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Patience Having Her Perfect Work

Patience must have her perfect work in me,

In order for me to be mature, complete, and totally free.

It is the crown of life that is promised to them,

Those who endure through trials... And who love Him... ...to the end.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

When All Is Said and Done

When all is said and done
A person stands alone.

At the end of time
there s/he'll be,
standing still
in front of Thee.

Choices made,
Days since laid,
No going back,
No retract.

Let me "do" today
unto You.

I know it all comes down to
me and You.

Live my life to revere Your name.
Frequently quicken me,
My ear turned to Thee,
My heart tied to...
Your desire.

When all is said and done,
It comes down to me before Thee...
An "Audience of One,"
Oh Lord, that I will have glorified the Son.

Friday, January 9, 2009

Prisoner By Choice

I am tired of pain,
The emotional kind.
My heart feels empty,
Spite clouds my mind.

Wishing for happy,
Fun-filled days.
I only go about in a fog-filled haze.

I am tired of hurting,
the emotional kind.

I see nothing genuine,
I feel only painful grinds.

I have an enemy who hates me.
Never a kind word to spare.
The accuser of the brethren.
For sure it's only what's in it for him.
That's his only care.

But what about me?
Whose heart do I seek?
To be kind to others, despite all, stay meek?
Do I seek the One's who died for me?
Or try and comfort my own heart?
Tis the latter.

Why do I stay in this state,
Why won't I go?
I really can't answer
I'm too numb to know.
Too caught up.

I see others living, loving,
Why can't I?
Nothing to laugh about.
Much though to cry.

I want to be free
I want to have fun
I want to have a purpose
Living as promised by the Son.

I don't.
It's my choice.
Misery, oppression, obsession.
That's where I'm at.

God help me to be free,
I do not know how;

I am full of anger, hurt, pity, unforgiveness.
Because of this... prisoner by choice.

Yes, freely You give, freely I can receive... but I've got to forgive first, and then...

"...to break free from this, in my anguish cry to the the LORD, for He will answer me by setting me free. The LORD is with me; I will not be afraid. What can man do to me?" Psalm 118:5-6 (NIV)

Ah, I am my own worst enemy,
Held as prisoner, by choice.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

So What About Tomorrow?


"So What About Tomorrow" was co-written by Seedsower Deb and Marlene Hoenig.

Today, I shall not worry about tomorrow,
As it is not promised to me.

God's Grace is sufficient for today,
And there is no Grace set aside,
from which I can borrow.

"No, we aren't promised tomorrow, But know that we are loved TODAY and forever, in spite of what this world throws our way."1

He asks that I be anxious for nothing, rather with thanksgiving,
I'm to watch and I pray.

His peace, all understanding passes,
Keeps my mind on Him,
And my heart in certain array.

For as today is,
So shall my strength be.
And I know for sure,
He will supply my need.

1. quote pulled from writings of Marlene Hoenig, Director of Eye of the Storm Ministries

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Faith Shields by God's Power

Through faith I am shielded by God's mighty power,
From now until that final hour.

That final hour when Christ is revealed,
Revealed to us us all, no longer concealed.

Regardless of nation, race, sex, or gender,
All will witness His glorious splendor.

Doubt will vanish and scepticism will flee,
As all will bow before Him on bended knee.

It will be at that time the Mighty will say,
To those whose trust is in the blood of He,

It is time my child,
Come enter into My presence for eternity.

What I am is Plain to God

What I am is plain to God (2 Cor 5:11b NIV)

I can only trust my Lord for today.

For tomorrow is not yet promised,
And, yesterday, is a memory, but past.

Today, I sense an emptiness, an unkowing, an uncertainty.

Oh may I not be pulled about by doubt and fear,
I must stand my ground,
Trust my God,
I know He's near.

Flee emptiness - for greater is He who is in me than he that is in the world,
Be gone unknowingness - for though I make my plans, God directs my steps.
Crawl away uncertainty - for He who began a good work in me will complete it until the day of Christ Jesus.

Depending on His strength, peace, and wisdom coming down from above,
I'm told to be "therefore wise as a serpent, and harmless as a dove." (Matthew 10:16).

This shall I be by His power and grace.
Searching my heart to surrender all...

...that brings Him disgrace.

For what I am is plain to God.
Though I groan with a longing to be clothed with my heavenly dwelling,
I know while here, I have His Spirit as a heavenly deposit.
May I live by faith and not by sight...

...for what I am is plain to God.

Friday, January 2, 2009

Strengthened by Grace

It started as I walked in the door...

Why did you do this, why didn't you do that?

I tried to defend, but the voice wouldn't hear,
I initially shrunk back, not recognizing fear.

Alone in my 'safe' room, atop of my bed,
I buried my face toward the wall and I said:

O' God, please help me see You in this fire;
Grant me grace to rise from this mire.

More important, give me strength to keep my mouth closed ,
As I know I can do nothing without You.

It's only through You I can do all things,
As you are the Vine and I the branch.

Strengthened by grace, I went about the night,
Going about my evening, not looking for a fight.

As I truly desire no argument, no contention,
For I am an Ambassador for Christ within.

Help me to display Christ, to stand firm
Not to rely on myself, but on Him.

Help me to always stand, for You have delivered me, You deliver me, and You will continue to deliver me.

Lord help me to live for You Who died for me (2 Cor 5:15), help me to not regard anyone from a worldly view (2 Cor 5:16),
But to always stand and believe solidly in You.

Firm in your arms as You see me through.

Train My Brain?

Train my brain? How is that so?
By "sync'ing" with Him,
Who'll ensure it will grow.

Stretching, reaching, I emerse my thoughts deep in Him...
Trusting, believing and my mind begins to bend;

To the conformity...
...of His Son.

My heart and soul by Him was won,
Bought by Him with His shed blood.
His plan all along?

Surley it was.
My brain designed to glorify Him,
to love others and have peace within.