Monday, May 30, 2011

For By Him and Him Alone...

By Him and His will I was created and have my being.

"By Him and His will all things were created and have their being." (Rev. 4:11)

Thoughts, conceptions too difficult to comprehend, to understand from a human standpoint. So I will simply believe what I read, and as said, let it be.

Ah, few words... I am His... as are we all.

Words read this morning bring peace, comfort whosever trusts in the Lord is kept safe. Fear of man will prove to be a snare..(Prov 29:25)

Have been there. Tis true.

Narrow and lowley sighted is the source of this fear. Fear of rejection of that which can be seen -- yet it can dissepate with the node of a Head, wave of the Hand, or the slightest breath from One's Nostril.

I was young, now I'm older -- relation with the One who cannot be seen -- this is the goal, where acceptance can be found, where real treasure lies, where beauty exists, and from where peace and true comfort come. Trust.

Jonah to the Almighty God of heaven and earth...

Those who cling to worthless idols forfeit the grace that could be theirs...And the Lord commanded the fish...

God to Jonah...

But Nineveh has...people...who cannot tell their right hand from their left...should I [God] not be concerned...?

As should I. It's not about me. No, but Thee. Fear not what people do or say. Again, yea, trust in Him Who cannot be seen. For those who can be seen are just like me. In need. He knows.

For By Him and His will all things were created and have their being. Look to Him. He holds the key.

A clear mind - a quiet mind, gifts in themself... to hear that Still and Small Voice.

In quietness and confidence lies strength (parah, Isa 30:15)

Oh quietness to hear and
trusting confidence for strength.

For By You and Your will alone was I created and have my being.

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