Monday, November 10, 2008

Crimson Red for Me Shed

Crimson red,
for me was shed.

Alone to atone, for sin bred,
In all men born.

Though my sins be as scarlet
they will be white as snow*1

Said He,
through eternity,
for all along, His plan.

At that moment,

the curtain torn,
between God and man.
To give access to
The Throne room

so grand.

To allow mercy

to help find
grace in time of need.*2

From Abba, Father,

who alone,
can take the lead;

In lives torn and shaken,
Hearts broken and tired,

To reborn the person, or

Restore him anew.

It is all by the crimson red,
shed for me and you.

*1 Isaiah 1:18
Also (words to song written by Fanny Crosby in 1817)
*2 Hebrews 4:16
"Crimson Red for me Shed"   dss - 2008

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