Sunday, August 24, 2008

Safety In Midst of a Storm

I have been walking with the Lord through several very hard things... His hovering wing is so great... it is like walking in a fierce rainstorm under the raincoat of a very tall and strong person.

I see myself under the raincoat on the right side of this person, safely tucked under His arm, face hidden toward His chest, my right hand is clinching onto His coat, my left hand and arm are tightly wrapped around His waist.

As we make our way down a dark and rain-soaked path, I peek out from between Him and His raincoat. I see nothing but pouring rain. I then hide my face toward His chest again, I am totally dependant upon His lead as we walk because only He can see where it is we are going.

"He guided them safely, so they were unafraid..." Psalm 78:53; "You are my hiding place; you will protect me..." Psalm 32:7

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