Saturday, May 2, 2015

Pray, Pray, Pray

Sitting in my yard this afternoon listening to a bird chirp and the gentle sound of water flowing into my neighbor's pool; I watch flames from a small fire that is burning. I'm burning items that have been gathered, collected, and stored for far too many years... to the point of their decay. Items that very well may have retained their value had they been properly maintained.

Memories surface... "if 'he'd cared more..." I begin to intertwine myself with "his" lack of care for those things improperly maintained. I lump myself into the same category of "things" uncared for.  Stinging memories. I sit and watch the fire.

What to do?  I know I cannot take back, redo, undo, or change what's been done or who did the doing. I'm learning (again) I can only submit myself to the One in Whom all things consists.

I am reminded of my sister's words to me -- she said they were 'my words to her many years ago,' words I've long forgotten - "Pray, pray, pray. No matter what the situation sis, you always told me to pray, pray, pray."

Sitting in my yard under a large shade tree, the fire I'd watched earlier is now smoldering. I hear birds chirping, I see a little yellow butterfly fluttering about checking out all of the flowers to see which has the best nectar. Ah, the wonders of God. I'm reminded about the Lord's words "Pray for those who use you and hurt you*" [*paraphrased]. No amount of anger, worry, pain, venomous words  spoken back can change those who inflict pain, nor remove the pain that was inflicted.

Jesus knew this well - that is why He told us to pray for others. I am reassured inside my heart and mind: He knows this is where true peace and power reside: our prayers float to heaven, they reach the throne of God and to His very heart, and the Supreme One will have His perfect will.

Thoughts of the importance of forgiveness surface in my mind. Memories which brought stinging pain a few minutes ago, lessen, the heart softens, much like many of the items that are burning in the fire will become... soft ash.

A pair of doves just flew into my yard and landed into a shady area of grass that is beyond the edge of where the fire is smoldering. How timely that a pair of doves appear: His peace, His power.

What to do? Pray, pray, pray.

Oh, Lord should I speak, may my words to my friends, family, neighbors, and strangers be kind words, words filled with compassion, the same compassion I was shown by God when my pain seemed unbearable because of others as well as when I caused Him pain by my own actions toward others and in turn toward Him.

The Lord knows our afflictions, He hears our cries, He knows our sorrows (Exodus 3:7). Jesus is acquainted with grief.  In fact, He has borne our griefs and carried our sorrows. He was oppressed, and He was afflicted for us. By His suffering we are healed (Isaiah 53:3-5).

Pray, pray, pray... to the Great One. For it is God alone who grants peace, has all power, and is the great Healer (of our own hearts and hearts of others who cause pain).

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Turn Around

Turn around and come on down from there; come on now, there is nothing to fear. 

Why are you sitting there?  What's your intent? Just turn to Me, listen, don't be slow.

What? Yes, I am here and have been all along.  Standing patiently by, even though you think you are all alone. 

I've been at your side. Have you forgotten I am your support and I said I would never leave nor forsake you?

It's okay. Turn around, reach for My hand. Now take a step, don't be slow.  Each step -- though heavy they be -- will move you along the path set for thee, ever close to Me.

Turn around now.  Come on my daughter.  I'm with you here; watching you, keeping you, there's no need to fear. Turn around.

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Tears of a Hurting Soul

It is raining today. A steady, gentle down pour from the sky. No wind, just rain drops.  Much like the tears flowing from the eyes of a hurting soul. 

Many are the tears of humanity; tears, which are stored in heaven ["...put thou my tears into Thy bottle: are they not in Thy book?" Psalms 56:8].  This morning it is as if heaven has opened and has allowed those tears to stream down to the earth.

The rains must come, it is Your cycle for springing forth life to the earth, softening hard ground, allowing flowers to bloom, grasses to thrive, rivers to swell, and birds to drink.

O emotions of mine do not hinder the rain. Let it pour. Don't hold it back, less a hardened soul, heart be formed. For as rains come from heaven to bring forth life, may they come and soften my heart so it will bloom, thrive, swell, and drink of the good things of God.

I know You know and I know You care. Thank you for reminding me of how near You really are when I get to the place of thinking You are far.  

Lord, help me to cast my burden upon You today.

Friday, September 13, 2013

Who Am I?

Who am I when the world completely halts?
No TV,
DVD, or
Social media.

Just me.

No car to go,
to the store or show;

Just me.

Do I know who I am?
When all is quiet and confinement is my stay?
Will I be able to distinguish my way, The way?

When even the darkness darkens still,
Will I see the Light?
Which alone can keep me from fright.

Trauma within, for many a year.
I failed to know,
Pushed far deep down below.

Who am I, alone? Just me?

A prisoner? 
No, I am a sojourner, here.
I'm His,
Visiting, I see.
Actually free.

Laugh O' my soul, sing aloud.
And watch the darkness move on as a cloud.
Whoever follows Me will not walk in darkness
but will have the Light of life (John 8:12)

O' soul, get quiet.
For when the vapor is gone and all that is left is a faded flower,

I, who is me, and am in He,
without doubt, will see...Him
in that triumphant hour.

Set worry aside, and let Faith take her stand,
for I am His now and also be will when the journey here ends.

Friday, September 9, 2011

Weep Not For Me

Weep not for me,
said she to me,
Not for me,
For I shall see
That Wonderful Face of He.

The One who died to set us free from pain, death, and misery.

Rejoice for me,
Sing praise to Him
For you and I will meet again.

It may be here,
Or it may be there,
Near The Crystal Sea
Where outstretched Arms
Await for WE.

My friend, always know,
It's never about you,
Nor about me...

...But, always about the One
Who hung on the tree.

Hung He did on that appointed day
His crowned-head high above all
His blood flowing down
Both to allow man's entrance to
The Throne of Grace and the Way.

"Weep not for me," she said to me,
"No, give praise to Him."

Today, our view, at best is dim...
For in our appointed time,
We shall not just see each other again, but we'll see Him, face to face.

(from a conversation between a dear friend and me)

Monday, May 30, 2011

For By Him and Him Alone...

By Him and His will I was created and have my being.

"By Him and His will all things were created and have their being." (Revelation 4:11)

Thoughts, conceptions too large  to comprehend, to understand from a human standpoint. So I will simply believe what I read, and as said, let it be.

Ah, few words... I am His... as are we all.

Words read this morning bring peace, comfort whosoever trusts in the Lord is kept safe. Fear of man will prove to be a snare. (Proverbs 29:25)

Have been there. It is true.

Narrow and lowly sighted is the source of this fear. Fear of rejection of that which can be seen -- yet it can dissipate with the nod of a Head, wave of the Hand, or the slightest breath from One's Nostril.

I was young, now I'm older -- relation with the One who cannot be seen -- this is the goal, where acceptance can be found, where real treasure lies, where beauty exists, and from where peace and true comfort come. Trust, believe.

Jonah to the Almighty God of heaven and earth...

Those who cling to worthless idols forfeit the grace that could be theirs... Jonah 2:8 And the Lord commanded the fish...

God to Jonah...

But Nineveh has...people...who cannot tell their right hand from their left...should I [God] not be concerned...? Jonah 4:11

As should I. It's not about me. No, but Thee. Fear not what people do or say. Again, yea, trust in Him Who cannot be seen. For those who can be seen are just like me. In need. He knows.

For By Him and His will all things were created and have their being. Look to Him. He holds the key.

A clear mind - a quiet mind, gifts in themself... to hear that Still and Small Voice.

In quietness and confidence lies strength (paraphrased, Isaiah 30:15)

Oh quietness to hear and
trusting confidence for strength.

For by You and Your will alone was I created and have my being.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Listen to Her Cry

Sitting in my living room listening to the cry of a dear friend share from her broken heart. I do not know HER pain. I know MY pain.  Everyone's pains are their own. Yet, I know that Jesus knows each of our pains and sufferings. "A man of sorrows, acquainted with grief." Isaiah 53:3

If she is cut, I know it is painful, I have been cut. But this is HER cut, on HER body; HER nerves transmit the pain. My eyes "see" her wound, my ears "hear" her expressed cry and pain: my memory is stirred with memories of similar pain. I cannot feel her pain. All I know is, my heart hurts with and for her. I listen to her cry.

I listen to how in her conversation she intertwines herself with those who have inflicted pain on her. I recognize that intertwinement, I've done it. I remind myself, I was not and am not them, I am me; I am separate from my tormentors, from those who caused me harm. I know I cannot explain that to my dear friend right now. I listen to her cry. I am thankful I can be there for her. I pray the Holy Spirit comforts her and that He reminds her that He is with her through this and will help her as she cast her cares and pains on the Lord.

I pray for my friend as I listen to her cry.  I know only Jesus can heal her heart. I tuck the morning happenings away in my heart and go on with my day. I'm reminded of the scripture, "Blessed by God, even the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies, and the God of all comfort; who comforted and comforts us in all our tribulation, that we may be able to comfort them which are in trouble by the comfort wherewith we ourselves are comforted of God." 1 Corinthians 2:3-4

(Saturday, April 30, 2011)

Saturday, February 12, 2011

A Want To...

O' God for Your strength --
My "want to"* is shallow,
No substance,
No ground.

I know there is more.
I see it all around...
...At a distance...
Though, 'ner coming close,
Nor crossing the invisible...
...Parameter which around me surrounds.

To You alone I cry,
No one else can bring change.
Even I let my own self down.

O' help me Dear God.

Grace and Strength to do,
To be,

To live,
To see,
To have a solid
"want to."


May desires, goals,
vision, aspirations, and dreams from You alone burst forth.  I know there is more.

*inspired from a sentence in the book entitled "Made to Crave" written by Lysa TerKeurst.

Thursday, February 10, 2011


I am soooo stuck,


As if my world has stopped.

Try as I may to make a go of things - going places and being with people (friends of old and friends of new ) - it seems that little pans out.

I resolve to simply do what must be done day to day... care for my younger son; take care of our home, maintain yard; do my job at work well; stay in touch with older son; pray, read the Word and talk with the great Shepherd.

I praise Him, sing, think upon Him, how good He is. I thank Him from where He brought me and from all that which He delivered me. I thank Him for what I have. I pray for others and situations as they come to mind.

I "know" the saying: "You are as happy as you want to be."

I also "know" God is my help, my strength, my provider, my joy, my all, a very present help in time of trouble... and His grace is sufficient for me.

I pray the prayer of David... Oh Father "...restore unto me the joy of Thy salvation, take not Thy Holy Spirit from me." Psalm 51: 11b, 10a. And I thank Him for His grace which is all sufficient and for now and that which is to come.

Sharing from my stuck place today.

A friend told me recently she finally learned to "grow where she was planted."

Given that, I will stay where I am and continue to seek, ask, pray, and soak in the "Sonshine," and learn, by His grace, to be content.

It is certainly better than being stuck in the mud. And WHO KNOWS WHAT GOOD THINGS ARE YET TO BLOOM?

Monday, January 24, 2011

For Reasons Known to God Alone

Joseph, born
One of twelve
Bright and dreamy
Uninhibited to tell.

Favored by his earthly dad
Much more so, by his Creator and Lord.

His eleven brothers, jealous
Enough to kill
Into a pit along the road was he thrown
Ten siblings agreed and settled only to sell.

To the Ishmaelites, Midianite traders, Joseph was sold
And on to Egypt, with him the traders went
And to Potiphar's house Joseph again sold, yes he was
God with him during these times
His Magnificent Favor extended
Not once lacking Grace nor pause.

Joseph was quickly made head
Of Potiphar’s house
To tend to all affairs.

The wife of Potiphar oozed with lust
This Joseph “well built and handsome” she wanted, and felt have him she must.

Her advances blocked, rejected by him
Scorned, she accused
With false reason.

The king’s official captain of the guard,
Believed his mate
Filled with anger and hate.

And for reasons known to God alone
Into the king’s prison
Innocent Joseph was thrown.

God with him during this time
His Magnificent Favor extended
Not once lacking Grace nor pause.

Extended to him
By way of the warden
Kindness and favor
Captive pardon.

“Captive” Joseph was put in charge
Head trustee one might say –
God’s Grace working
Mightily through him each day.

While there dreams of two men were spoken
Through God Almighty
Joseph's right interpretations were told.

Indeed within three days
The interpretations came true.

“Remember me” when you are released
Joseph requested
"Mention me to Pharaoh the king"
So I too can be set free.

And for reasons known to God alone
Joseph’s request to be remembered went untold.

Some two years later
Within one night
King Pharaoh had two dreams
That gave him fright.

He awoke in the morning terribly troubled
None of his wisest in all Egypt could tell
The meaning of the dreams which befell.

It was then
The one who’d lived but has forgotten to tell
Told the king of Joseph
With whom he’d shared a cell.

Pharaoh quickly sent for this "favored" man
Who for years since a lad
Experienced life events so traumatic and sad.

Pharaoh to Joseph – “tell me the meaning of my dreams”
Joseph replied “I myself cannot,
For God alone has your answers.”

Pharaoh pushed on with hope
Wanting to know
He told Joseph the two dreams.

Joseph through God’s Holy favor and grace
Told Pharaoh the meanings of both.

Then at age thirty, still a young man
Joseph was put in charge of all of Egypt’s land

Pharaoh’s signet ring he wore
Robes of fine linen put on him
A chain of gold his neck adorned.

When Joseph was escorted
Throughout the land
Shouts rang out “make way” for the kings right-hand man.

Roadside pit
Sold for a price
False accusation
And waylaid promises
Things behind, out of sight and mind.

How faithful the Almighty
Who has a firm plan
The table had turned
For this young man.

Without Joseph’s word
No hand or foot
Would move in Egypt.

Faithful to the charge
Joseph remained
Without boast or pride
He revered Almighty God
Knowing God's stay.

And the reasons known to God Alone
At thirty-two
Joseph to his siblings could share
“Was to save lives
That God sent him ‘ahead.’”

To his brothers
Of when he was a lad
No mention of was said
Of him being sold
Almost killed.

No God had sent him ahead
Is what he said
"To preserve a remnant in the earth
And to save their lives
By a great deliverance."

Told he to they
It was not you –
That did this to me
But God.

Things we do not understand are not unknown to God
As our faithful Father never leaves our side.

Human understanding can never "stand" "on top"
For the very Word shows it is "under."

The One Who "stands," and is to be viewed
Is He who is "on top" - "above-standing"
Looking throughout the whole earth.

Knowing the end from the beginning
the the beginning to the end
He is the Ancient of Days,
Having a plan for which each
Perfectly fit.

May our eyes never leave Him
Nor forget He is at our side
No matter how bleak the sky.

Though darkness comes
Know the sun remains high
Sorrow may shadow
Yet He's always nigh.

Roadside pit
Sold for a price
False accusation
And waylaid promises
Things behind, out of sight and mind.

On our own understanding
Will find no support when we lean
As Joseph told the earthly king
"I know not, for God alone has the answer."

In all our ways we can acknowledge Him
And it is faithful and true
That His Mighty Hand will lead us through.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Friend, You May Not Know...

Dear Friend, though I do not see you as often as I'd like, life always seems to pick up where we left off the last time we saw each other; and, when together, it is as if a day had not passed from the last time together.

I love you friend. 

Friends make up some of the most precious threads that are woven into my life's tapestry.  
  • Friend, you may not remember the prayer you prayed with me, but I do.
  • You may not remember the time you hugged me extra hard because you saw I might need it, but I do.
  • You may not remember the time you offered your hand to me, but I do.
  • You may not remember the invitation you extended me, but I do.
  • You may not remember the time I came, stayed, and ate at your home, but I do.  
Friend, you may not know, but, I love you.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Potter's Hand

Potter's Hand

" the clay is in the potter's hand, so are ye in mine hand...." Jeremiah 18:6

The Potter loves His work, as Jesus love me.

The Potter is patient with His work, as Jesus is with me.

Saturday, September 4, 2010



If ever there was a day, time, hour that people would want to call on God it is today. God said, “Whoever will call upon the name of the Lord will be saved.” The thought that a person does not need God is more pervasive than ever. And more so many do not even believe that God exists.

Whether a person believes or does not believe God exists in no way diminishes His existence.  God told Moses to tell the people, tell them “I Am.”  Exodus gives the account of Moses' and Pharaoh's communication between one another before the Hebrew people left Egypt where they had lived as slaves for many years.

In Exodus chapter 12, God said to Moses… “I will bring judgment on all the gods [anything idolized other than God]... I am the Lord.” (vs12). This verse hit me of just how mighty God is… He did not squabble, He did not decide to negotiate with anyone, He just matter-of-fact stated... I will bring judgment, I am the Lord.

While none of us can see God, He is far away, yet ever present.   One day every human alive or whoever lived will come face-to-face with God… I will, you will, our ancestors and our children will.  Just as we were all born it is appointed that we will all die (shed our earthly bodies).  We will all, regardless of our faith or belief, stand before God to give account of our life on this earth.  What a sobering thought, to imagine standing before the throne of God to give an account for my actions and whether or not I put my faith and trust in Him while on earth.   This place in time is sure to come. It does not have to be an adverse time.

Many today still face their "day in court" here, now.  There is hope that "my lawyer will get me off," or that the "judge will be lenient on me."  After all who would not want a judge of the court to extend mercy to them?

I cannot imagine anyone going into a courtroom and shaking their fist in the face of the judge who is hearing the case.  If the judge were to say, "I know you are guilty, but I've decided to wipe your slate clean.  I am throwing out this charge, it will be as if you were never arrested.  My dear, today you, just as you are, will walk away free and clear."   Who would say, "Your honor, I don't believe you, I don't think I am ready, maybe tomorrow, or when I get cleaned up. Thanks for the offer, but I'd rather do the time." 

No, I think it safe to say, knowing we are guilty of the crime, we would throw our hands over our face in disbelief, then as the pardon settled into our mind and heart, our demeanor would change from grimace to wonder, and then to pure joy, the only words we would be able to speak would be, "Oh thank you your honor!"

While that scenario sounds far fetched, that is what many of us do with God's offer of salvation. He made a way to pay our penalty of sin (which all men are born with, a separation from God here on earth), a penalty which without His payment is sure death (separation from Him for eternity). He sent His Son to set the captive free, to absolve from sin and death, to make a way for us to no longer be separated from God through the blood of Jesus Christ, to give us abundant life, life eternal, freedom, peace, love, and joy.

When we hear that we can be free, sadly we shake a fist in God’s face because we don't believe in God, or we simply turn our backs and close our ears to Him because we want to do our own thing. We do not want to hear it. We are too caught up in what we think is having a good time. "Hey, it's my life, I'll go where I want to go, do what I want to do." 


Standing before God one day is a sure date on every one's calendar. But the Word of God (the Bible) also says, God opens His hand and satisfies the desire of every living thing.  It says, His mercy and compassion are new every morning. It says, He is not willing that any should perish, but that all come to repentance (to turn from their way to His way and accept the pardon He offers so we are not separated from Him.).

How comforting this is to know… While He is the Most High, enthroned in the heavens, able to bring judgment on all gods, He wants to incline Himself to mankind; be intricately involved with our every care; intimately involved with every aspect of our lives; extend mercy and compassion and wipe our slate clean.

A couple of things every person needs to settle in their mind:  eternity, all are eternal beings and will one day stand before God, we are all certain to face Him.   Every man comes to a cross road in life. There a choice needs to be made, "which way will I go?"  It is a choice given to all, without exception.   At the end of our earthly journey will we hear, "Well done, thou good and faithful servant," or "Depart from me, I never knew you."  All have been given a free will.  Though He gently pursues everyone, desiring they turn to Him, trust Him, put their faith in Him alone, He does not force Himself or His Way on anyone during their earthly journey. 


If I begin to pray and seek the Lord, I will find Him.

If I choose to stay on a path of doing things my way, I will find in the end I cannot save myself.  There is only one God.


Choices, they are made every moment between the moments that make up our days. 

In Exodus where God sent many plagues against Egypt, Pharaoh, the leader of Egypt, made several choices… “But when Pharaoh saw that there was relief, he hardened his heart.” A lot of times when we find our selves in places we regret, we call out to God, ‘O forgive me, I am sorry, I won’t do it again,’ then when the pressures ease, we slip back into doing the same ol' same ol'.  

My pastor preached today that God wants us to stop returning to the same problems. He said that "God is a separating God. He wants to separate us from the things that keep us from Him and not to return to them."

Pharaoh’s heart was hard and he would not listen. How many times are we told about the Lord, the freedom He offers; or maybe even the Lord speaks something to our heart, but we do not want to listen, we just flip a hand and go our own way.  In the verse in Exodus, the writer noted that "this is the ‘finger’ of God." It was if God was giving Pharaoh a warning, just a taste of discomfort, a wag of the index finger as if saying, "ah, ah, ah, I wouldn't do that."  But we are told Pharaoh, hardened his heart.

Maybe God is allowing us to be uncomfortable to get our attention about something at this time in our life. Do not be like Pharaoh, do not harden your heart to God today. That is a bad place to be in.

“Then Pharaoh said to Moses ‘go, sacrifice to your God here in the land.’”  Pharaoh was willing to submit, but only on his terms. God wanted him to let His people go.  Pharaoh said, you can have your show, but you must have it here on my ground.  Our submission must be a total surrender to God’s way, on His ground.  He wants to be the Lord of our heart, of our decisions, of our will… for it is He who has the plan for our life. This is a plan for good, a plan for increase, a plan for order, a plan for peace in our hearts, a plan for love to rule and reign in and through us.

Pharaoh's next concession was, “I will let you go… but not far, Now pray for me.” Pharaoh still did not get it, ‘okay, you can leave the land, but I don’t want you to too far from me,’ He's saying I'll play along, I'll give a little, I still want to keep you close to me so I can have control, and I'd like for you to pray for me.  How often we say okay, 'I'll go to church, I'll stop, please pray for me’ and then go our way, rather than fully walk away, distance our self from our captor, and seek the Lord fully for our self.  When we ask someone to pray for us and then go our own way do we think that will absolve us of our responsibility to surrender to God's way?

The Lord gave another word to Pharaoh, this time it was a little heaver… “Tell Pharaoh this, 'let my people go, if you refuse, the hand of the Lord will bring a terrible plague on the livestock.'”  Pharaoh chose to turn his ear away, and then God did just as He said.  God is true to His word.  When we continue to turn a deaf ear to God our consequences grow, from giving us warnings (a waging index finger) to a terrible and heavy hand.  The "finger" warning was just some pesky ol' gnats on the people and the animals.  But the "hand" warning, the heavy warning, caused all the animals of the Egyptians to die - something that seriously affected them.


I read in my devotions this morning that ‘The Lord will 1) shield you from suffering, or 2) He will give you unfailing strength to bear it.’ That is a promise to His children.  God does not want to have to deal with any of us heavy-handedly.  He wants us to be pliable and moldable, clay that is useful for His purpose.

God is serious about His relationship with us. He paid a huge price to buy us back from our captor. He paid the highest-priced ransom for our soul with His Son Jesus Christ. He wants us. He will do what it takes to get our full attention. We do not want to turn our ear from Him. God said “No one whose hope is in Him will be put to shame.”

Ladies, I want to close with this… when we hang on to something from hell the only place it’s going to take us is down. Jesus came to cut those ties that pull us down. To take captive the very things that have held us captive for so long. My cry is "let them go, turn them loose, give them to God, surrender to His will." If God is calling us to Him, let us make Him our choice.  He, after all, has our best interest at heart.

We do not want to shake our fist at the judge or turn a deaf ear to Him. He is the one who holds the key to our freedom: yet freedom from adverse judgment will be our choice. He offers freedom to our soul, freedom during our life here on earth, and freedom for our life all through eternity.

Contrary to popular belief, all are sinners, we were born that way. Every human being is born separated from God. We are told the wages of sin is death, but we have a way out. The gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ. We have a choice. That choice is to accept the gift given to us by God through His Son Jesus Christ. Whosoever believes on Jesus he/she will not perish, but will have everlasting life. If we have not yet chosen to come to God to receive the gift of His Son Jesus Christ, we can do so right now. If the Holy Spirit is speaking to your hear to come, then come. Just as you are. Do not turn your ear from Him.

Thank you Lord for speaking to my heart. I am a sinner in need of saving. I know that I am separated from You and I would like to be part of your kingdom. Please forgive me a sinner, I confess to you the sins I've committed in my life. I want to accept what Jesus did on the cross for me, the shedding of His blood, as forgiveness of my sins. Only He can pay my debt of sin. I choose to believe that Jesus Christ is God, I choose to believe that He died and then rose from the dead, and ascended to heaven and I choose for Him to be Lord of my life.

For those who prayed that prayer with all sincerity know that you are now a child of God - born anew into His kingdom.  Jesus said as many as received Him to him God gave them the power to become sons/daughters of God.  As a new believer you'll want to begin reading God's Holy Word, pray to Him, trust Him, get involved with other believers so you can begin to grow into the things God has for you.  Start here, now in this jail, while you are here begin to pray for God's will in your life and ask Him to show you where He wants you to worship Him when you are released from these walls.  Do not use Jesus as a pillow while you are here only to leave Him on your steel bunk when you leave.  Take Him with you, go with God, and go on His terms. 

Choose today whom you will serve.  God loves you, He has a great plan for your life.


This message was shared with the women inmates at the Leon County Detention Center by Seed Sower Deb.

Monday, May 31, 2010

Abiding in Him Means Love...

To obey is better than sacrifice...
Obey what I ask of Thee?
To love your neighbor, and
Above all love Me.

Long ago, when My only begotten Son walked among man,
He Himself said His 'meat' was to do My will,
So, how much better for you my child even still.

It is My will that you be free, free from oppression, free to live,
Free to love, you know, simply free to be.

But, so many times it doesn't seem to me that I am free, and I certainly do not always show love.
That's because you are looking at what you can see and not at Me.

I assure you, My love, which is perfect, casts out all fear and it never fails.
This love of which I speak cannot be mustered from within,
No, it is poured into your heart through the Holy Spirit;
You know, the one Who teaches, lets you know what is to come, and convicts of sin.

So giving things up, and being nice to people, and doing things for them does not indicate love?
Only when done by Me through you.
See you love Me, because I first loved you.
And without Me you can do nothing... and that includes loving one another. 
For without Me, love does not exist.
I am love.

To love is to keep My commandments.
But, keeping "commandments" sounds so odd these days; people think they are strange.
You can't worry about what others think.  They are not Me - I Am.

I promise you, if you abide in Me, I will abide in you..
And you will bring forth much fruit.
This fruit includes love...

I tell you these things so your joy may be full.
This is my commandment that you love one another, just as I have loved you.
Greater love has no one than this, that one lay down his life for his friends.

So me doing something for someone so they will like or love me in return has nothing to do with love?
No, quite the contrary.
Doing that indicates you're doing it just for you. 
Remember, Christ gave His life so you might live, not so others would like or love Him.
He gave His life not for Him, but just for you.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

New Day

Photo by Adam G. - California sunset
 Today is a new day, one for me.
Not to look back but to walk forward with Thee.
I look to You, you are my stay,
You are my fortress, each and every day.

Praise to Your name, You are my King and my Lord,
Something to forget I can never afford.

None are like You from beginning to end.
By You alone is the Great Plan pre-arranged.

Today is a new day, one in which You are beside.
Healing, leading and guiding through all that is prescribed.
I rejoice in You, I lift up a song of praise.
It is by You alone that I am raised.

Title: New Day
by: seedsower deb

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Left to Myself

"I will instruct thee and teach thee in the way which thou shalt go." Psalm 32:8

Left to myself, I would surely die. Slow destruction with a final cry.

I'm learning, life firm in Jesus is the only way. To live life to its fullest without a destructive sway.

I can see myself when I am alone... There are times when I am not looking to and depending on You

I know Who is before me... And yet, at times, I still tend to wander down the wrong track.

God, I am full of things that squeeze You out. Empty me so I can be fully filled by You.

Guide and lead me, show me the way. Alone with myself, not acknowledging You, surely is an unsafe place.

Come, Holy Spirit, lead and direct me to that narrow way. I need You every second of every day.

How great Your love and forgiveness: That's who You are and Your full intent.

Left to myself... I shudder to think where my journey would end. Grateful that You are here to instruct and teach and lead me toward the right bend.

Title: Left to Myself
by: seed sower deb

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Choices Made

Choices made today,
Affect my tomorrows.

No going back.
Firmly I sit,
Knowing I am,
Securely in,
The palm of His hand.

Eternally grateful.

Friday, May 15, 2009

Serving Thee

The longer I live,
I realize how little I know.

Over the years, I've faced small things here and there.
But nothing compared to the "great cloud of witnesses,"
whose lives You ensured were penned in Your Book.

No mouths of lions have I had to face,
Or bears which I've had to chase and tear,
No fiery furnace have I had to enter,
No stake on which to be tied, for the purpose of being burned alive,
Nor have I faced being sawn asunder.

The things I do face,
Minuscule as they be,
I take comfort in You,
You are there for me.

One thing I have learned and gratefully know,
Never will You leave me, never will You go.

Always with me...

  • comforting,
  • supporting,
  • providing,
  • leading,
  • guiding, and
  • even carrying.

  • You call me friend; You say I am precious, your beloved; You call me your child.
    Oh for a heart that fears Your name.

    For no one can serve two masters.
    A man can be devoted to only one.
    To the other he will despise and display horrid contempt.

    ...for it is written and it is known.

    Thee I will serve...

    ...whether I am healed or not,
    ...whether I master this or that,
    ...whether I fail or succeed,
    ...whether my finances improve or stay their lot.

    You are my stay, You make the way,
    You are my life, my light, my song.

    I bow before you,
    You hold the key,
    To my moments, my days,
    For all eternity.

    Faithful to the call,
    Doing whatever You desire...
    ...Great or small,
    ...Known by others, or not.

    To find myself kneeling...
    Before You on that Blessed day,
    Will be more glorious than any words can convey.

    Sunday, May 10, 2009

    Seeing the Unseen

    I arise today and do the next thing.

    My duty is clear...
    Honor the King.

    Many things I desire,
    Those things though are known...
    By the One Who sits upon the Great Throne.

    Things hoped for, not yet seen;
    If they were, there'd be no reason to hope.
    For why hope for something already gleaned?

    But I see the unseen, as if it were at my door.
    Patienty, I know it will arrive, at the appointed time.
    Not one minute late or before.

    He knows my needs before I ask.
    I will gratefully go about my day;
    Do the next thing... and bask.

    Title: Seeing the Unseen

    by: seedsower deb

    Thursday, April 30, 2009


    Why are you downcast, O my soul? Why so disturbed within me? Put your hope in God...(1a)

    No one whose hope is in You will ever be put to shame. (2)

    "No one" - ah, this must surely include "me," as my hope is in God alone.

    After many of years of hiding, cowering, internalizing, losing sight of my very being, I now know that it is only He who can and will provide for me, keep me, protect me.

    What is it that I have "hope" of?... Oh, so very, very much:

    - Resurrection
    - Eternal life
    - His mercy
    - His grace
    - Everlasting love
    - His great and absolute power
    - His soverignty
    - His ability to turn a situation around
    - His providental care

    My "hope" is not one of "oh, I wish this would happen," or "I wish this would come true."

    No, resolutely, it is a simple "knowing." He is with me.

    May integrity and uprightness protect me, because my hope is in You. (3)

    Find rest, O my soul, in God alone; my hope comes from him. (4)

    Now shameless and protected, praising my Savior and my God... I raise my heart to the heavens:

    Why so downcast, O my soul? Why so disturbed within me? (1)

    Nay, I put my hope in God, for I will yet praise him, my Savior (1) and I can for sure say, it does bring one an unexplainable, yet definate hope.

    1. Psalm 42:5/6a; 42:11; 43:5
    2. Psalm 25:3
    3. Psalm 25:21
    4. Psalm 62:5

    by: seedsower deb

    Friday, April 17, 2009

    Lamp Put Aside

    I got off track, simply put, because I put the Lamp aside.

    It is "Thy Word which is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path."

    But I simply put it aside... why would I? I ask myself...

    One day due to hurry, another day because of chaos, another because of this, another because of that.

    Duly, my sight grew dim... it's as if darkness has enveloped me.

    But God knows this.

    "Why was this man born blind? did he or his parents sin? Neither.
    ...this happended so that the work of God would be shown in his life."

    I would not dare compare my situation with that of being born blind,
    As my "blindness" has come by my own hand, or lack thereof.

    I can say, however, the work of God will be shown in my life.
    I know He has a plan for me, one that is to prosper me, not harm me.
    Plans to give me hope and a future.

    I have physical eyes with which to see things around me,
    But the eyes to the things of the spirit are dimmed,

    Oh to see again.

    He who is mighty can restore that sight.
    His desire is for me to glorify Him.

    Oh, I hear Him passing by...

    Jesus, I rise with a cry, have mercy on me...
    "What do you want Me to do for you?" He says...
    Lord, I want to see again.
    As to the blind man, to me, He mercifully replies "Receive your sight, your faith has healed you."

    Sunday, March 1, 2009

    Today I Choose

    Today I choose to be happy, content, and full of song.
    This is the only way to combat those things which are wrong.

    God is with me, that is all I need.
    I will go along happily, as I am His seed.

    He lifts me up when I am down.
    He keeps me afloat so I won't drown.
    He hovers over me with tender care
    How can anyone not be sustained with such fare.

    Today I choose to live with Him.
    To me I die.
    For me that's life.
    What riches and joy,
    Greater than any gem.

    Sunday, February 15, 2009

    It is Time to Turn My Eyes

    I say, “I cannot do this,”
    He says “but, you can.”
    He actually says you can do all things
    through Christ who strengthens you.

    I turn my eyes toward Him and
    His Word for I know He has a plan.

    It’s not one I can see right now,
    But I know it’s in the works.
    Because His Word says it is,
    I believe His Word.

    He actually says His Word was written to
    “Teach, rebuke, correct, and train”
    So that I may be “thoroughly equipped for
    every good work.”

    So, when I say “I cannot do this,”
    And He says “but, you can,”
    It is time for me to turn my eyes
    Away from me and toward Him.

    Tuesday, February 3, 2009


    pain of lonliness hurts
    pain of having no vision hurts
    pain of doing nothing ever hurts
    pain of having no desire hurts
    pain of being alone hurts
    pain of not having friends to go eat with and laugh with hurts
    pain of being by myself hurts
    pain of not having anyone to go anywhere with hurts
    pain of having a family but not doing anything together hurts
    pain hurts
    hurts pain
    hurts hurt
    I hurt

    Sunday, February 1, 2009

    Till Death Do I Part...

    I know my God is always near,
    Truely I have nothing to fear.

    No matter what is seen,
    or may be nigh,
    He's really no further than my side.

    I will keep my eyes set on Him,
    Not on the besetting troubles outside or within;
    Or the unknowns of what tomorrows may bring.

    Confusion trying to pry its way in.
    No, bent toward Him is where I'll stay;
    Only then can I really see,
    His glory.

    And to those things which try and keep me spent,
    So I will walk dazed and be discontent;
    Only to build resentment...
    are those things sent,

    To stuff down hurts, pain, and distress,
    Hoping I will walk a "life of death."

    These things I know are only lies,
    To keep my eyes from gazing on the Prize,
    To them I say goodbye.

    I know He is with me, mighty and sure,
    This is the truth that rings within
    and causes me to endure.

    To keep from the lies, I will come often to Him,
    Stretching, reaching, with every thread within,

    The truth of His presence, which is always near,
    rings deep, deep in my heart,
    This is the truth on which I will stand till "death do I part.",

    Tuesday, January 27, 2009

    What are You Waiting For? Get Up and Walk!

    For too many years I have been…
    sitting, laying, waiting;

    Exactly for what, I know not.
    Thinking maybe tomorrow my dream will arrive.
    Feeling, if I had only hoped, trusted, believed more. Had more faith.
    Maybe if I had behaved better, been different, smiled more, did more.
    I told myself, things then might have been better.
    So much disappointment, frustration, and strife.

    Looking back I'm sure it was me having hope in hope alone...
    Nothing really to do with...
    • "Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done"
    • “To gain your life you must lose it.”
    • “To live is Christ, to die is gain.”
    • "The just shall live by faith."
    • “Count it all joy my brethren when you fall into divers temptations.”
    • “In acceptance lieth joy.”

    No, I lived with my mind and heart filled with I hope...

    • this will get better...,
    • tomorrow will bring change...,
    • I hope things will be different.
    • Surely they will, they must.

    Yet, always awaking to a similar day.

    Then one morning, in my way,
    came the story about a man who lay
    By the sheep market pool ("Bethesda" that is, in the Hebrew tongue).

    There he lay, waiting for an angel to stir the waters,
    so he could make his way into the pool….
    The first one in the pool, you see, would be made whole,
    healed from all their infirmaties.

    The man there laid for thirty-eight long years,
    ...Waiting, hoping, believing that things would be better, in time.
    Laying there hoping someone would put him in,
    Thinking, tomorrow will bring a change, or
    Things will be different, surely they will, they must. . .

    The Great Physician, the Healer of all mankind
    Stopped before the man one day,
    He simply asked the man who laid,
    the hoping man, the desirous man…

    Do you want to be made whole? "Yes," the man said.
    Now, I do not know if it was a quiet, “Yes, only if I could,”
    or a loud “YES! man, of course. Can't you see I hurt!"

    But none the less, excuses were made... looking up he said,
    “no one cares;” “no one will help me, they just go about their business as if I were not even here;” “they really don’t care, how could they care?;” “if they did, they would help me get in those waters."

    Nothing said by the man phased the Healer...
    He just looked him square in the eye and said to the man... GET UP and WALK...

    Immediately, the man rose... and walk he did.
    and after laying by the waters all those years he found
    the waters had nothing to do with his becoming whole and free from his
    pain, his sickness, his despair.
    It was because of him doing "nothing" that put him in this way.... not looking to the One who knew him before he was formed in his mother's womb and had filled his lungs with the very breath of life.
    Nope, it was just him having hope in hope that someday something would change.

    My time for waiting,
    ...Thinking tomorrow my dream might arrive.
    ...Hoping someone would come along and make everything alright.
    ...Feeling, if I had only hoped, trusted, believed, more.
    ...Maybe if I had behaved better, been different, smiled more, did more,
    has come to an end.

    I have now have heard the words... GET UP, WALK...

    So doing the next thing is what I plan to do.
    I will depend on "Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done." For without Him, I know I can do nothing.

    I will take one step today, my hand in His; forget yesterday; and let tomorrow stay in its place.

    My hope and trust will be in God alone. I will walk by faith, and know that my situation is under His watchful providential power and care. I cannot walk by sight of what I currently see, the situations before me.

    My dreams are all filled with Him… His imminent return, His power at work in me, and His protection, guidance, and deliverance.

    In Him alone do I put my hope and trust.

    The disappointment, frustration, and strife I have faced,
    Now dissipates with knowing I make my plans, yet God directs my steps.
    It is Him alone who will keep my pace and help me face
    …all that comes my way.

    But the best part is I will be walking along in my journey and not stuck waiting, lying beside the sheep market pool... disappointed, hopeless, frustrated, and filled with pain and strife.

    Saturday, January 24, 2009

    Patience Having Her Perfect Work

    Patience must have her perfect work in me,

    In order for me to be mature, complete, and totally free.

    It is the crown of life that is promised to them,

    Those who endure through trials... And who love Him... the end.

    Thursday, January 22, 2009

    When All Is Said and Done

    When all is said and done
    A person stands alone.

    At the end of time
    there s/he'll be,
    standing still
    in front of Thee.

    Choices made,
    Days since laid,
    No going back,
    No retract.

    Let me "do" today
    unto You.

    I know it all comes down to
    me and You.

    Live my life to revere Your name.
    Frequently quicken me,
    My ear turned to Thee,
    My heart tied to...
    Your desire.

    When all is said and done,
    It comes down to me before Thee...
    An "Audience of One,"
    Oh Lord, that I will have glorified the Son.

    Friday, January 9, 2009

    Prisoner By Choice

    I am tired of pain,
    The emotional kind.
    My heart feels empty,
    Spite clouds my mind.

    Wishing for happy,
    Fun-filled days.
    I only go about in a fog-filled haze.

    I am tired of hurting,
    the emotional kind.

    I see nothing genuine,
    I feel only painful grinds.

    I have an enemy who hates me.
    Never a kind word to spare.
    The accuser of the brethren.
    For sure it's only what's in it for him.
    That's his only care.

    But what about me?
    Whose heart do I seek?
    To be kind to others, despite all, stay meek?
    Do I seek the One's who died for me?
    Or try and comfort my own heart?
    Tis the latter.

    Why do I stay in this state,
    Why won't I go?
    I really can't answer
    I'm too numb to know.
    Too caught up.

    I see others living, loving,
    Why can't I?
    Nothing to laugh about.
    Much though to cry.

    I want to be free
    I want to have fun
    I want to have a purpose
    Living as promised by the Son.

    I don't.
    It's my choice.
    Misery, oppression, obsession.
    That's where I'm at.

    God help me to be free,
    I do not know how;

    I am full of anger, hurt, pity, unforgiveness.
    Because of this... prisoner by choice.

    Yes, freely You give, freely I can receive... but I've got to forgive first, and then...

    " break free from this, in my anguish cry to the the LORD, for He will answer me by setting me free. The LORD is with me; I will not be afraid. What can man do to me?" Psalm 118:5-6 (NIV)

    Ah, I am my own worst enemy,
    Held as prisoner, by choice.