Monday, January 24, 2011

For Reasons Known to God Alone

Joseph, born
One of twelve
Bright and dreamy
Uninhibited to tell.

Favored by his earthly dad
Much more so, by his Creator and Lord.

His eleven brothers, jealous
Enough to kill
Into a pit along the road was he thrown
Ten siblings agreed and settled only to sell.

To the Ishmaelites, Midianite traders, Joseph was sold
And on to Egypt, with him the traders went
And to Potiphar's house Joseph again sold, yes he was
God with him during these times
His Magnificent Favor extended
Not once lacking Grace nor pause.

Joseph was quickly made head
Of Potiphar’s house
To tend to all affairs.

The wife of Potiphar oozed with lust
This Joseph “well built and handsome” she wanted, and felt have him she must.

Her advances blocked, rejected by him
Scorned, she accused
With false reason.

The king’s official captain of the guard,
Believed his mate
Filled with anger and hate.

And for reasons known to God alone
Into the king’s prison
Innocent Joseph was thrown.

God with him during this time
His Magnificent Favor extended
Not once lacking Grace nor pause.

Extended to him
By way of the warden
Kindness and favor
Captive pardon.

“Captive” Joseph was put in charge
Head trustee one might say –
God’s Grace working
Mightily through him each day.

While there dreams of two men were spoken
Through God Almighty
Joseph's right interpretations were told.

Indeed within three days
The interpretations came true.

“Remember me” when you are released
Joseph requested
"Mention me to Pharaoh the king"
So I too can be set free.

And for reasons known to God alone
Joseph’s request to be remembered went untold.

Some two years later
Within one night
King Pharaoh had two dreams
That gave him fright.

He awoke in the morning terribly troubled
None of his wisest in all Egypt could tell
The meaning of the dreams which befell.

It was then
The one who’d lived but has forgotten to tell
Told the king of Joseph
With whom he’d shared a cell.

Pharaoh quickly sent for this "favored" man
Who for years since a lad
Experienced life events so traumatic and sad.

Pharaoh to Joseph – “tell me the meaning of my dreams”
Joseph replied “I myself cannot,
For God alone has your answers.”

Pharaoh pushed on with hope
Wanting to know
He told Joseph the two dreams.

Joseph through God’s Holy favor and grace
Told Pharaoh the meanings of both.

Then at age thirty, still a young man
Joseph was put in charge of all of Egypt’s land

Pharaoh’s signet ring he wore
Robes of fine linen put on him
A chain of gold his neck adorned.

When Joseph was escorted
Throughout the land
Shouts rang out “make way” for the kings right-hand man.

Roadside pit
Sold for a price
False accusation
And waylaid promises
Things behind, out of sight and mind.

How faithful the Almighty
Who has a firm plan
The table had turned
For this young man.

Without Joseph’s word
No hand or foot
Would move in Egypt.

Faithful to the charge
Joseph remained
Without boast or pride
He revered Almighty God
Knowing God's stay.

And the reasons known to God Alone
At thirty-two
Joseph to his siblings could share
“Was to save lives
That God sent him ‘ahead.’”

To his brothers
Of when he was a lad
No mention of was said
Of him being sold
Almost killed.

No God had sent him ahead
Is what he said
"To preserve a remnant in the earth
And to save their lives
By a great deliverance."

Told he to they
It was not you –
That did this to me
But God.

Things we do not understand are not unknown to God
As our faithful Father never leaves our side.

Human understanding can never "stand" "on top"
For the very Word shows it is "under."

The One Who "stands," and is to be viewed
Is He who is "on top" - "above-standing"
Looking throughout the whole earth.

Knowing the end from the beginning
the the beginning to the end
He is the Ancient of Days,
Having a plan for which each
Perfectly fit.

May our eyes never leave Him
Nor forget He is at our side
No matter how bleak the sky.

Though darkness comes
Know the sun remains high
Sorrow may shadow
Yet He's always nigh.

Roadside pit
Sold for a price
False accusation
And waylaid promises
Things behind, out of sight and mind.

On our own understanding
Will find no support when we lean
As Joseph told the earthly king
"I know not, for God alone has the answer."

In all our ways we can acknowledge Him
And it is faithful and true
That His Mighty Hand will lead us through.

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