Sunday, October 19, 2008



A seed is planted.

Rich soil and moisture cause the seed to break open under the ground. Roots begin reaching downward. Life within the seed stirs causing it to stretch upward. The seed begins its journey upward toward being a thriving plant.

After a little time of struggling and stretching; it finally breaks through the soil.  Its new and tender shoot stretches upward toward the sun. External elements keep it alive: sun, water, soil nutrients.

My life is like that seed.

To grow, thrive, and ultimately breakthrough those things determined to hold me back or keep me down, I must continually depend on the external elements which God provides for me.

The Son I must continually reach toward.
His Word I must soak in.
And the Holy Spirit, full of fruit and giftings, who I must let flow through me.

To cast these "elements" aside and try to grow, thrive, and live without them means the same for me as it would that little seed...

...a stunted life form for a short while; and then the inevitable, death.

(written in March 2003 - dss)

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