Saturday, October 4, 2008

Blooming or Fading?

Today I feel more as a fading vine rather than a blooming flower. I like to be productive. I like to know that what I do matters. Jesus, when asked if He wanted something to eat, replied "my meat is to do the work of my Father." In other words that is where He got His sustenance, doing what He was sent to do. If He was not doing the assigned task, there was no life, so what would be the point?

I am grateful for a nice job, a good boss, a great family, and a good home. But lately, I do not feel if what I do is valuable or has meaning. I feel like I am fading. Productivity, knowing what you do has meaning and value, is quite important.

Maybe all of this is that what I am doing is not the work the Father has intended for me? And, somehow, I have gotten into situations that are not included in His plan for me? Is this factual? Or is it something I am rationalizing because today I do not 'feel' productive? Surely, all humans have slump days?

Today I am in the Garden alone... I want to hear the voice of the Master. If this is a time for me to simply be content with where I am, and surrender my will "to be productive" give me peace in that. If I have managed to get myself off track because of my own doing, please move me to where You want me to be.

It is very noisy here on earth. Help me to get quiet, to hear Your voice and to grow in Your grace and knowledge, and more importantly to be about the Father's business; whether it be busy about things or sitting at Your feet. Forever Yours, in productive times and in times of lull.

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