Wednesday, December 31, 2008

O' That I Would Love You

"Unite my heart to fear Thy name." (Psalm 86:11b)

O' that I would love You.
You Who are in me and I am in You.

Your Word says this is so.
But my life tells a different woe.
Lord, let my journey begin,
To turn,
Before it is time to end.

The path and fields have become too much.
The constant contention, raging are too much.

My very own actions are killing me.
I do not know how to flee.

I've heard it said,
'when the glory of the Lord fills a place there is no room for anything else'

O' Father that Your glory would show on my face.

I sit at your feet knowing I can do nothing to earn Your love.

Help me to Obey You in order to walk in Your way.

Help me Lord,
I must stop blaming my nasty "be" attitudes on someone else,

I must believe You in all things and for all things,
And stop the doubting, and complaining,
Talking about, thinking about how things should be done and blaming.

I say I am the only one who walks and lives like this...
But, now You remind me of others in a previous place in time....
As with the Israelites, my thinking is keeping me stuck in the wilderness of my own demise.

I come to You now, seeking You.

"Unite my heart to fear Thy name" (Psalm 86:11b)

O that I would love You,
You Who are in me and I am in You.

By Grace and Power Can I Live

Only by Your power and grace can I live
Help me today of my life to give.

So that this vessel which I fill
Is empty of me
and filled with You
Who lives.

Help me today to surrender all
Surrender all I say
All to Jesus this very day.

Full surrender to You
Total abandonment
And trust in you
It must be you.

Help me to see Thee
Only Thee
Balance me.

Help me to fear Thy name
which is "...the beginning of wisdom and the

knoweldge of the holy is understanding." (Proverbs 9:10)

Thy will be done
Full surrender

And trust in You.

Only by Your power and grace can I live
Help me today of my life to give.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Free to Be Me?

The teacher said,"the brain can be trained."
Hmmm, thought I, "Can this be true?"

On he continued...

"You see, your brain was configured by God,
So we can think on Him and live life in peace and harmony.
In the Garden of Eden, at the beginning of time,
There was no pain, no dissension, only unity and joy divine."

Train the brain still I thought? Hmmm, does this hold the key... along with the Spirit who now dwells within me?

The key for me to be united, disciplined, and sync'd with He?

Will this let me be the me He intended when He created me?

Regardless of the pain, grief, and heartaches that tend to...come my way.

Sure, with His Word at hand, a quiet heart, and my mind turned toward Him, it is then I can hear his voice;
Through all of this, He ensures my mind will be transformed,
To the conformity of His Son.

Okay, I say, a brain can be trained, with both sides working in unison.

I immerse my thoughts deep in Him, The Word,
Trusting, believing, my mind begins to conform... Toward a mind like His.

My heart and soul by Him was won.
Bought with His blood.
His plan all along.

My brain truly was designed to think on Him,
Having the potential to believe, have faith, and be disciplined;
To love Him above all others, love one another, and have peace and joy within.

So yes, I say my brain can be trained.
So I can be free to be me and united with Thee.
To have the mind of Christ.

For it is freedom Christ came, and whom the Son sets free is indeed free.
Free to be the me that person He intended me to be.

I am exiting now from the widened road that keeps me so distracted and traveling so

I can now begin to travel the narrow path which moment by moment will lead me so Him. Training the brain to be in sync with Him.

What a journey... free to be me which He intended all along.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Freedom and Glory

Freedom and Glory
by: seedsower deb

Written at sunset on a beach in Tampa, Florida , USA

I am amazed at the vastness of God's Glory reflected by the setting sun on the water's surface and the freedom illustrated by birds soaring and diving through the air without a care.

"From the rising of the sun to the going down of the same, the Lord's name will be praised."

For me setting suns and soaring freedom do not always find my door; rather it is continual conveyors of threshing wheat, spinning clay on the Potter's wheel, and thrusting into fiery furnaces that I see.

I love the Lord through all of these things. For I know there is a time for everything under the sun... as it is written.

I accept postponement and the apparent temporary contradiction of promises...

...though they be nigh at my door. And the high place and the glory which peek from around the corner, they are just a matter of time. (As the Promiser is not a man that He can lie.)

Whether it be threshed wheat in a bin, clay on the wheel, or burning heat in a fire, by His grace I will go. As for certain, as I am penning these words, He has a divine plan for me:

  • wheat separated for His glory,
  • clay molded into the vessel fit for His purpose,
  • burning heat removing all the dross.

With joy, come what may, all is accepted. As in acceptance lieth joy. Though things can appear dimly, there is always that glimmer of hope from time-to-time and realization of the final hour when all will be clear and the temporary will pass into the eternal.

Oh my Rock and my Fortress in You do I trust... for it is You who is my Stronghold.

No more pain, no more tears, no more shrinking back. Only glory and freedom... basking in the actual presence of God, shining as the sun's rays flickering on the water's surface and the birds soaring freely in the air.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Days Seen through Haze

Days Seen through Haze
by: seedsower deb

Oh I love the days,
Even those seen through haze.

So much gained,
In the aftermath learned;
Even when pained,
As with any discipline.

How great He is,
Always on time;

To meet the day's bumps and grind.

I know to stay...
Below the cliff,
Under His wing,
Pressed hard to His bosom,
And at His feet.

It is here...
Him I meet.

His Word in my hand,
My mind and heart set on Thee;
He gives me grace,
He smiles on me,
To clearly see...

Him through all of the haze.

Oh how could I not,
Love such days....

brought to you by Seed Sower Series. If you wish to be removed from the Seedsowersseries blog publication listing, please email Seedsowerdeb and your name will be removed from the distribution list as soon as possible. Blessings.

Friday, December 5, 2008

To The Wall

  • "To the wall," quoted the preacher, "did the king turn."*

    Once high,
    brought low,
    All due to his pride.

    From where here he came,
    And Who he represent.

    It all came tumbling down,
    Only then the cry of repent.

    "Have mercy on me,"
    Toward the wall he cried.

    Knowing all too well,
    The depths he'd reached.

    That he was just one breath away...
    From the condition in which he lay.

    Not a human soul could save him
    Nor change his circumstance, not a chance.

    No human arm could hoist him
    From that pit's length or depth.

    Only God above whose unheavy ear could hear,
    The cry of the broken and contrite man.

    His ear never too heavy to the hear anguished cries,
    Of men who for so long turned their ear from...
    the Word preached;

    Only then to find themselves in the pit of deep despair.

    The Almighty's arm never too short to reach down, No matter the span,

To rescue the hearts of those led into such depths. Who finally cry out, "Have Mercy on Me."

Have mercy on me,
My own soul cries.
It's toward the wall I turn,
Knowing it is there I find Your mercy, compassion, and

For, my time here flies,
And, I too realize, my life is but one short breath away.

2Kings 20:1-5

Monday, December 1, 2008

Wall Broken Down

There is a song with a verse that goes like this, "He is our peace, He has broken down every wall, He is our peace, He is our peace. Cast all your cares on Him, For He cares for you...."

I've always sung the song as if the walls that are being broken down refer to the troubles I face in my life. Not so. After singing that song for so long, I finally see, the song is not about the walls (my troubles), at all, but it's about Jesus.

The Word says "He is our peace, who hath...broken down the middle wall of partition...." (Colossians). That wall is the wall of hostility that for so long was erected between God and man. A "wall" that prevented man from coming to God.

In the natural realm, before Christ, there was an actual veil, which acted as a wall, that separated a typical man from coming into the Holy of Holies to get help and forgiveness by offering a sacrifice for sin. In the spiritual realm, since the death and resurrection of Christ, the wall is an actual division between God and the heart of man.

It is only because that wall was torn down when
Christ hung on the cross and gave His life for ours and shed His blood that we can now come to the Throne room, the Holy of Holies, and cast all our cares on Him.

This interpretation is exciting to know - it is much more personal, knowing that God tore down the wall of hostility so we can walk with Him and He with us, so there can be peace.

Because of this possibility of reconciliation we are "no more strangers and foreigners with God...," we can now come freely and with confidence to the "throne of God that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need." (Hebrews 4:6)