Sunday, September 29, 2013

Turn Around

Turn around and come on down from there; come on now, there is nothing to fear. 

Why are you sitting there?  What's your intent? Just turn to Me, listen, don't be slow.

What? Yes, I am here and have been all along.  Standing patiently by, even though you think you are all alone. 

I've been at your side. Have you forgotten I am your support and I said I would never leave nor forsake you?

It's okay. Turn around, reach for My hand. Now take a step, don't be slow.  Each step -- though heavy they be -- will move you along the path set for thee, ever close to Me.

Turn around now.  Come on my daughter.  I'm with you here; watching you, keeping you, there's no need to fear. Turn around.

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Tears of a Hurting Soul

It is raining today. A steady, gentle down pour from the sky. No wind, just rain drops.  Much like the tears flowing from the eyes of a hurting soul. 

Many are the tears of humanity; tears, which are stored in heaven ["...put thou my tears into Thy bottle: are they not in Thy book?" Psalms 56:8].  This morning it is as if heaven has opened and has allowed those tears to stream down to the earth.

The rains must come, it is Your cycle for springing forth life to the earth, softening hard ground, allowing flowers to bloom, grasses to thrive, rivers to swell, and birds to drink.

O emotions of mine do not hinder the rain. Let it pour. Don't hold it back, less a hardened soul, heart be formed. For as rains come from heaven to bring forth life, may they come and soften my heart so it will bloom, thrive, swell, and drink of the good things of God.

I know You know and I know You care. Thank you for reminding me of how near You really are when I get to the place of thinking You are far.  

Lord, help me to cast my burden upon You today.

Friday, September 13, 2013

Who Am I?

Who am I when the world completely halts?
No TV,
DVD, or
Social media.

Just me.

No car to go,
to the store or show;

Just me.

Do I know who I am?
When all is quiet and confinement is my stay?
Will I be able to distinguish my way, The way?

When even the darkness darkens still,
Will I see the Light?
Which alone can keep me from fright.

Trauma within, for many a year.
I failed to know,
Pushed far deep down below.

Who am I, alone? Just me?

A prisoner? 
No, I am a sojourner, here.
I'm His,
Visiting, I see.
Actually free.

Laugh O' my soul, sing aloud.
And watch the darkness move on as a cloud.
Whoever follows Me will not walk in darkness
but will have the Light of life (John 8:12)

O' soul, get quiet.
For when the vapor is gone and all that is left is a faded flower,

I, who is me, and am in He,
without doubt, will see...Him
in that triumphant hour.

Set worry aside, and let Faith take her stand,
for I am His now and also be will when the journey here ends.